Friday, October 23, 2020

Why I Hate Libertarianism

This was the last paragraph of the last post. But, it is off topic and worthy of its own post. Voila.

Oh, 1 final point rant: fuck Libertarianism. I mean, seriously, the "I got mine, fuck you" philosophy. Are there any Libertarians anywhere in the world who are not well-off white people? I seriously doubt it. So many economics books try to justify themselves to Libertarians, I say, fuck Libertarianism. When we have a 100% level playing field, without 1000s of years of privileged groups accumulating capital, when he have a socialist, anarchist, post-scarcity utopia, then Libertarianism will I think be somewhat of a moot point. Until then, fuck it.
I really dislike libertarianism. And these recent explanations put forward by Whitehouse in the Supreme Court confirmation hearing, that the Koch brothers are behind the GOP court packing, and are looking forward to "friendlier government, fewer regulations, a Libertarian outlook".

David Koch ran for Vice-President as a Libertarian in 1980.

I tweeted today's vintage Doonesbury from the Newt Gingrich era - late 90's - Newt is the bomb.

So bottom line is, they won! Convincing and possibly bribing older conservative judges to retire so an inexperienced 30-something, indoctrinated and trained by far-right think tanks, who will then hold the judgeship for 30 years, can take their place. The scoundrels have pulled off a judicial coup.

Meanwhile, at the start of the pandemic, weren't we all saying "Hmmm, maybe having your government small enough to drown in your bathtub isn't such a good idea after all"? And that was before the murderous ineptitude of Agent Orange.

Here's 2 words that raise my blood pressure: Grover Norquist. May he be given bad acid at Burning Man.

I am really hoping it will not take too long to reassemble the US government that Agent Orange had been so busy destroying. I trust those guys - are they the deep state? - to try to do their best for the american people, and with absolutely 0 grifting involved! Science!

I've been sitting on this post. My hero Paul Krugman decided to jump in on my side this morning: "How Many Americans will Ayn Rand Kill?". So although there's clearly a lot more reasons to hate libertarianism, let's let it rip for now.

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