Posted on Twitter. Posted on Twitter. Posted on Twitter ...
The ABCs of Agent Orange @realDonaldTrump.
Hmmm, all these can be prefixed with "Orange". Is there the perfect OrangeBlah that should be in the list?
We have a winner! #OrangeShitGibbonInChief !
- 2YearOldInChief
- 5YearOldInChief
- 8YearOldInChief
- AbuserInChief
- AdderallSnorter ...
- Adulterer ..
- Asshole .
- AustralopithicusWankus
- Authoritarian
- Baby
- BadActor
- BankFraud
- Bankrupt
- BenedictArnold
- BenedictDonald
- BiggestLiarEver
- Bigot
- Birther
- Blowhard
- BoneSpursBoy
- Braggart
- Brokeahontas
- BrokeAss
- Buffoon
- Bullshitter
- Bully
- Bungler
- BunkerBaby
- BunkerBastard
- BunkerBitch
- BunkerBoy
- BunkerKing
- Capitulator
- CharityShamster
- Charlatan
- Cheater
- Cheetolini
- Chicken
- ChildRapeAccusee
- Clown
- ComboverCaligula
- CompleteFuckingAsshole
- Conman
- ComspiracyTheorist
- Convict
- CoronaVirus
- CouchPotato
- Covidiot
- Coward
- Criminal
- Crook
- Crybaby
- DaddysBoy
- Deadbeat
- DealBreaker
- Debtor
- Deludee
- Demagogue
- Dement
- Denier
- Deplorable
- DickTatorTot
- DiscreditorOfUSIntelCommunity
- DishonorerOfGoldStarFamilies
- DisrespectorOfMinorities
- DisrespectorOfPrisonersOfWar
- DisrespectorOfVeterans
- DisrespectorOfWomen
- Distractor
- Divider
- DraftDodger
- DrugAddict
- DoctorKiller
- Dotard
- Dumbass
- Dumbfuck
- Dumbster
- DumpsterFire
- Dunce
- Egomaniac
- ElectionFraud
- EmolumensClausetViolator
- EMTKiller
- Envier
- Exaggerator
- Extortionist
- Failure
- Fake
- FakeChristian
- FakeNewsAsshole
- Fascist
- Felon
- Fool
- FraidyCat
- Fraud
- Fraudster
- FredsFailure
- FriendKiller
- FuckfaceVonClownstick
- Fuckopotamus
- FuckUp
- FutureInmate
- Gaslighter
- Genocidist
- Girther
- GobShite
- Grabber
- GrandmaKiller
- Grifter
- Groper
- GuineaPig
- Hater
- HousingDiscriminator
- Huckster
- HydroxyMoron
- Idiot
- Ignoramus
- Imbecile
- ImmunoCompromisedPersonKiller
- Impeachee
- Imposter
- ImpotusInChief
- Incompetent
- Infant
- Infanticide
- InfectedImpeachedImpostor
- Inmate
- Instigator
- Interruptor
- Jackass
- JazzMusicianKiller
- Jerk
- JobKiller
- JobOutsourcer
- Junkie
- Kakistocract
- Killer
- Kleptocrat
- Laughingstock
- LawCircumventer
- Liar
- Loser
- Madman
- MalignantNarcissist
- ManFail
- MangoMussolini
- MangoWanker
- MassMurderer
- MeatPlantWorkerKiller
- Meltdown
- Menace
- MentorKiller
- Misogynist
- MockerOfThePhysicallyImpaired
- MoneyLaunderer
- Moron
- MotherFucker
- Murderer
- NameCaller
- Narcissist
- Narcisissy
- NastyInterruptor
- Nazi
- Nightmare
- Nihilist
- NurseKiller
- NYPDKiller
- Oaf
- OathBreaker
- OpenRacist
- Opportunist
- OrangeHairMoussealini
- OrangeShitGibbon
- PathologicalLiar
- Pedophile
- Phony
- Pimp
- PlagueRat
- POTUSApprentice
- PrimaDonna
- Projector
- ProudBoy
- Psychopath
- Pukehead
- PumpkinFuhrer
- Puppet
- PussyGrabber
- Putinite
- PutinsPuppet
- Quisling
- RaceHustler
- Racist
- Rapist
- RICOViolationsSuspect
- RussianAsset
- RussianColluder
- Saboteur
- Sadist
- Scammer
- Scapegoater
- ScumBag
- SelfPitier
- Sexist
- SexPredator
- SexualPervert
- Shamster
- ShitGibbon
- ShitStain
- Shill
- SickieInChief
- SirFatTubbyTurd
- Sleazeball
- SnakeOilSalesman
- Snowflake
- Sociopath
- SpoiledBrat
- SpoiledChild
- Stooge
- Strokeahontas
- Superspreader
- SurrenderMonkey
- Swindler
- Syphiliphigus
- TaxEvader
- Thief
- ThugMaster
- TittyBoy
- Toddler
- Torturer
- Traitor
- TransitWorkerKiller
- TreasonWeasel
- TurdKing
- TwatWaffle
- Tyrant
- UnionBuster
- UnstableMoron
- UsefulIdiot
- UselessIdiot
- Vacillator
- VendorStiffer
- Vulgarian
- Waffler
- WannabeAutocrat
- WannabeMafioso
- Weakling
- Whiner
- WhirlingAmoralChaosVortex
- WhiteSupremacist
- WhiteSupresident
- WhoreMonger
- Wimp
- Xenophobe
- YamTits
- Yeller
- Zigzagger
[Updated 2020-11-12 11:35 pm HT @LawyerRogelio]
[Updated 2020-11-02 9:56 pm]
[Updated 2020-10-25 8;05 pm HT @perrenod]
[Updated 2020-10-18 11:35 pm HT @svdate]
[Updated 2020-10-18 2:47 pm 4x HT @DearAuntCrabby]
[Updated 2020-10-16 7:43 pm HT @donelson52]
[Updated 2020-10-14 10:35 pm HT @andrewmhickey]
[Updated 2020-10-07 12:40 pm HT @chipfranklin & @oreminsteluspl1]
[Updated 2020-10-07 10:00 am Thx to @nytimes]
[Updated 2020-10-06 11:59 pm Thx to @KLGLASS2]
[Updated 2020-10-06 10:24 am Thx to @paul_lander]
[Updated 2020-10-05 7:55 pm Thx to @Acosta]
[Updated 2020-10-05 1:27 pm Thx to @markos]
[Updated 2020-10-05 10:45 am Thx to @Chick2020Sassy]
[Updated 2020-10-04 11:23 pm Thx to @Skatha]
[Updated 2020-10-03 1:04 pm]
[Updated 2020-10-01 9:04 pm Thx to @ReallyAmerican1]
[Updated 2020-10-01 10:38 am Thx to @rmasher2]
[Updated 2020-09-29 6:57 pm Thx to @perlmutations]
[Updated 2020-09-29 6:44 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-28 9:12 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-28 9:03 pm Thx to @i_am4tunate]
[Updated 2020-09-27 8:48 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-24 9:34 pm Thx to @b_b_bacinator]
[Updated 2020-09-25 9:02 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-25 8:25 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-24 9:34 pm Thx to @nypapajoe]
[Updated 2020-09-20 8:34 pm Thx to @dad_darius]
[Updated 2020-09-09 8:42 am HT @nytimes]
[Updated 2020-09-01 9:29 pm Thx to @rapgrant9700]
[Updated 2020-08-30 8:29 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-25 10:14 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-22 9:32 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-13 9:54 pm Thx to me & my Agent Orange nightmares]
[Updated 2020-08-11 9:40 pm Thx to @TranslateRealDT]
[Updated 2020-08-09 8:15 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-08 10:21 am Thx to @rmasher2]
[Updated 2020-08-05 10:25 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-02 1:35 pm HT @cnn]
[Updated 2020-07-31 9:44 pm Thx to @ProjectLincoln]
[Updated 2020-07-31 9:15 pm Thx to @funder]
[Updated 2020-07-31 9:51 am Thx to @paulkrugman]
[Updated 2020-07-30 8:55 pm Thx to @markos]
[Updated 2020-07-25 9:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-23 9:16 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-22 9:04 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-21 9:56 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-16 1:16 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-11 8:03 am Thx to @mmpadellan]
[Updated 2020-07-09 8:37 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-08 12:03 pm Thx to @CraigRozniecki & @Fishgot2swim]
[Updated 2020-07-07 7:22 am]
[Updated 2020-07-05 8:19 pm Thx to @JMPeck69]
[Updated 2020-06-30 11:03 am]
[Updated 2020-06-25 10:42 pm 2x Thx to @donelson52]
[Updated 2020-06-25 10:35 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-24 10:59 pm Thx to @kls_62 & @ZenBuddhette]
[Updated 2020-06-24 6:28 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-21 10:05 am Thx again to @Boricua_En_Maui]
[Updated 2020-06-20 10:59 pm Thx to @Boricua_En_Maui]
[Updated 2020-06-12 10:42 pm Thx to @EllenMcNutt]
[Updated 2020-06-11 2:21 pm Thx to @DavidCornDC]
[Updated 2020-06-08 9:27 pm Thx to @JohnRMoffitt]
[Updated 2020-06-08 1:18 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-08 12:51 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-06 8:47 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-06 8:27 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-05 10:28 pm Thx to @oreminsteluspl1]
[Updated 2020-06-05 1:04 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-05 9:07 am]
[Updated 2020-06-04 8:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-04 11:52 am Thx to @liewbob]
[Updated 2020-06-04 10:33 am Thx to @badwebsites]
[Updated 2020-05-31 9:39 pm Thx to @Perrenod]
[Updated 2020-05-31 9:39 pm Thx to @BettyBowers]
[Updated 2020-05-29 9:02 pm Thx to @DearAuntCrabby]
[Updated 2020-05-27 8:22 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-24 1:16 pm Thx to @joncoopertweets]
[Updated 2020-05-24 10:47 am Thx to @Fishgot2Swim]
[Updated 2020-05-22 8:33 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-22 8:20 pm Thx to @HowardA_Esq via @Fishgot2Swim]
[Updated 2020-05-22 1:24 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-20 2:21 pm Thanks @ivyjofreeman]
[Updated 2020-05-19 8:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-19 8:29 pm Thanks @Fishgot2Swim & @JohnFugelsang]
[Updated 2020-05-19 10:38 am Thanks @Fishgot2Swim]
[Updated 2020-05-18 9:06 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-18 8:16 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-18 7:43 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-18 7:39 pm Thanks @scalzi]
[Updated 2020-05-17 8:24 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-17 12:12 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-15 1:07 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-13 9:53 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-12 11:01 am]
[Updated 2020-05-12 8:44 am]
[Updated 2020-05-11 9:31 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-11 9:25 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-11 11:20 am]
[Updated 2020-05-10 8:12 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-10 9:46 am]
[Updated 2020-05-07 9:45 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-07 2:52 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-07 12:46 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-06 8:47 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-06 9:30 am]
[Updated 2020-05-05 8:26 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-05 8:03 am]
{Updated 2020-05-04 9:07 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-03 8:23 pm Thx @@JBonniego for WhiteSupresident]
[Updated 2020-04-28 9:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-04-24 1:33 pm Thx @rmasher2 for covidiot]
[Updated 2020-04-24 10:33 am]
[Updated 2020-04-23 10:44 am]
[Updated 2020-04-22 10:55 am]
[Updated 2019-11-18 9:55 pm Thanks @JohnRMoffit! Done!]
[Updated 2019-11-06 1:54 pm]
[Updated 2019-10-09 1:33 pm]
[Updated 2019-09-27 6:14 pm]
[Updated 2019-09-14 7:30 pm]
[Updated 2019-07-02 1:18 pm]
[Updated 2019-06-10 11:42 pm]
[Updated 2019-06-10 10:07 pm]
[Updated 2019-06-10 11:35 am]
[Updated 2019-06-10 1:07 am]