Sunday, June 09, 2019

The ABCs of Agent Orange

Posted on Twitter. Posted on Twitter. Posted on Twitter ...

The ABCs of Agent Orange @realDonaldTrump.

Hmmm, all these can be prefixed with "Orange". Is there the perfect OrangeBlah that should be in the list?
We have a winner! #OrangeShitGibbonInChief !

  1. 2YearOldInChief
  2. 5YearOldInChief
  3. 8YearOldInChief
  4. AbuserInChief
  5. AdderallSnorter ...
  6. Adulterer ..
  7. Asshole .
  8. AustralopithicusWankus
  9. Authoritarian
  10. Baby
  11. BadActor
  12. BankFraud
  13. Bankrupt
  14. BenedictArnold
  15. BenedictDonald
  16. BiggestLiarEver
  17. Bigot
  18. Birther
  19. Blowhard
  20. BoneSpursBoy
  21. Braggart
  22. Brokeahontas
  23. BrokeAss
  24. Buffoon
  25. Bullshitter
  26. Bully
  27. Bungler
  28. BunkerBaby
  29. BunkerBastard
  30. BunkerBitch
  31. BunkerBoy
  32. BunkerKing
  33. Capitulator
  34. CharityShamster
  35. Charlatan
  36. Cheater
  37. Cheetolini
  38. Chicken
  39. ChildRapeAccusee
  40. Clown
  41. ComboverCaligula
  42. CompleteFuckingAsshole
  43. Conman
  44. ComspiracyTheorist
  45. Convict
  46. CoronaVirus
  47. CouchPotato
  48. Covidiot
  49. Coward
  50. Criminal
  51. CroMAGA
  52. Crook
  53. Crybaby
  54. DaddysBoy
  55. Deadbeat
  56. DealBreaker
  57. Debtor
  58. Deludee
  59. Demagogue
  60. Dement
  61. Denier
  62. Deplorable
  63. DickTatorTot
  64. DiscreditorOfUSIntelCommunity
  65. DishonorerOfGoldStarFamilies
  66. DisrespectorOfMinorities
  67. DisrespectorOfPrisonersOfWar
  68. DisrespectorOfVeterans
  69. DisrespectorOfWomen
  70. Distractor
  71. Divider
  72. DraftDodger
  73. DrugAddict
  74. DoctorKiller
  75. Dotard
  76. Dumbass
  77. Dumbfuck
  78. Dumbster
  79. DumpsterFire
  80. Dunce
  81. Egomaniac
  82. ElectionFraud
  83. EmolumensClausetViolator
  84. EMTKiller
  85. Envier
  86. Exaggerator
  87. Extortionist
  88. Failure
  89. Fake
  90. FakeChristian
  91. FakeNewsAsshole
  92. Fascist
  93. Felon
  94. Fool
  95. FraidyCat
  96. Fraud
  97. Fraudster
  98. FredsFailure
  99. FriendKiller
  100. FuckfaceVonClownstick
  101. Fuckopotamus
  102. FuckUp
  103. FutureInmate
  104. Gaslighter
  105. Genocidist
  106. Girther
  107. GobShite
  108. Grabber
  109. GrandmaKiller
  110. Grifter
  111. Groper
  112. GuineaPig
  113. Hater
  114. HousingDiscriminator
  115. Huckster
  116. HydroxyMoron
  117. Idiot
  118. Ignoramus
  119. Imbecile
  120. ImmunoCompromisedPersonKiller
  121. Impeachee
  122. Imposter
  123. ImpotusInChief
  124. Incompetent
  125. Infant
  126. Infanticide
  127. InfectedImpeachedImpostor
  128. Inmate
  129. Instigator
  130. Interruptor
  131. Jackass
  132. JazzMusicianKiller
  133. Jerk
  134. JobKiller
  135. JobOutsourcer
  136. Junkie
  137. Kakistocract
  138. Killer
  139. Kleptocrat
  140. Laughingstock
  141. LawCircumventer
  142. Liar
  143. Loser
  144. Madman
  145. MalignantNarcissist
  146. ManFail
  147. MangoMussolini
  148. MangoWanker
  149. MassMurderer
  150. MeatPlantWorkerKiller
  151. Meltdown
  152. Menace
  153. MentorKiller
  154. Misogynist
  155. MockerOfThePhysicallyImpaired
  156. MoneyLaunderer
  157. Moron
  158. MotherFucker
  159. Murderer
  160. NameCaller
  161. Narcissist
  162. Narcisissy
  163. NastyInterruptor
  164. Nazi
  165. Nightmare
  166. Nihilist
  167. NurseKiller
  168. NYPDKiller
  169. Oaf
  170. OathBreaker
  171. OpenRacist
  172. Opportunist
  173. OrangeHairMoussealini
  174. OrangeShitGibbon
  175. PathologicalLiar
  176. Pedophile
  177. Phony
  178. Pimp
  179. PlagueRat
  180. POSOTUS
  181. POTUSApprentice
  182. PrimaDonna
  183. Projector
  184. ProudBoy
  185. Psychopath
  186. Pukehead
  187. PumpkinFuhrer
  188. Puppet
  189. PussyGrabber
  190. Putinite
  191. PutinsPuppet
  192. Quisling
  193. RaceHustler
  194. Racist
  195. Rapist
  196. RICOViolationsSuspect
  197. RussianAsset
  198. RussianColluder
  199. Saboteur
  200. Sadist
  201. Scammer
  202. Scapegoater
  203. ScumBag
  204. SelfPitier
  205. Sexist
  206. SexPredator
  207. SexualPervert
  208. Shamster
  209. ShitGibbon
  210. ShitStain
  211. Shill
  212. SickieInChief
  213. SirFatTubbyTurd
  214. Sleazeball
  215. SnakeOilSalesman
  216. Snowflake
  217. Sociopath
  218. SpoiledBrat
  219. SpoiledChild
  220. Stooge
  221. Strokeahontas
  222. Superspreader
  223. SurrenderMonkey
  224. Swindler
  225. Syphiliphigus
  226. TaxEvader
  227. Thief
  228. ThugMaster
  229. TittyBoy
  230. Toddler
  231. Torturer
  232. Traitor
  233. TransitWorkerKiller
  234. TreasonWeasel
  235. TurdKing
  236. TwatWaffle
  237. Tyrant
  238. UnionBuster
  239. UnstableMoron
  240. UsefulIdiot
  241. UselessIdiot
  242. Vacillator
  243. VendorStiffer
  244. Vulgarian
  245. Waffler
  246. WannabeAutocrat
  247. WannabeMafioso
  248. Weakling
  249. Whiner
  250. WhirlingAmoralChaosVortex
  251. WhiteSupremacist
  252. WhiteSupresident
  253. WhoreMonger
  254. Wimp
  255. Xenophobe
  256. YamTits
  257. Yeller
  258. Zigzagger

[Updated 2020-11-12 11:35 pm HT @LawyerRogelio]
[Updated 2020-11-02 9:56 pm]
[Updated 2020-10-25 8;05 pm HT @perrenod]
[Updated 2020-10-18 11:35 pm HT @svdate]
[Updated 2020-10-18 2:47 pm 4x HT @DearAuntCrabby]
[Updated 2020-10-16 7:43 pm HT @donelson52]
[Updated 2020-10-14 10:35 pm HT @andrewmhickey]
[Updated 2020-10-07 12:40 pm HT @chipfranklin & @oreminsteluspl1]
[Updated 2020-10-07 10:00 am Thx to @nytimes]
[Updated 2020-10-06 11:59 pm Thx to @KLGLASS2]
[Updated 2020-10-06 10:24 am Thx to @paul_lander]
[Updated 2020-10-05 7:55 pm Thx to @Acosta]
[Updated 2020-10-05 1:27 pm Thx to @markos]
[Updated 2020-10-05 10:45 am Thx to @Chick2020Sassy]
[Updated 2020-10-04 11:23 pm Thx to @Skatha]
[Updated 2020-10-03 1:04 pm]
[Updated 2020-10-01 9:04 pm Thx to @ReallyAmerican1]
[Updated 2020-10-01 10:38 am Thx to @rmasher2]
[Updated 2020-09-29 6:57 pm Thx to @perlmutations]
[Updated 2020-09-29 6:44 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-28 9:12 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-28 9:03 pm Thx to @i_am4tunate]
[Updated 2020-09-27 8:48 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-24 9:34 pm Thx to @b_b_bacinator]
[Updated 2020-09-25 9:02 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-25 8:25 pm]
[Updated 2020-09-24 9:34 pm Thx to @nypapajoe]
[Updated 2020-09-20 8:34 pm Thx to @dad_darius]
[Updated 2020-09-09 8:42 am HT @nytimes]
[Updated 2020-09-01 9:29 pm Thx to @rapgrant9700]
[Updated 2020-08-30 8:29 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-25 10:14 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-22 9:32 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-13 9:54 pm Thx to me & my Agent Orange nightmares]
[Updated 2020-08-11 9:40 pm Thx to @TranslateRealDT]
[Updated 2020-08-09 8:15 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-08 10:21 am Thx to @rmasher2]
[Updated 2020-08-05 10:25 pm]
[Updated 2020-08-02 1:35 pm HT @cnn]
[Updated 2020-07-31 9:44 pm Thx to @ProjectLincoln]
[Updated 2020-07-31 9:15 pm Thx to @funder]
[Updated 2020-07-31 9:51 am Thx to @paulkrugman]
[Updated 2020-07-30 8:55 pm Thx to @markos]
[Updated 2020-07-25 9:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-23 9:16 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-22 9:04 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-21 9:56 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-16 1:16 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-11 8:03 am Thx to @mmpadellan]
[Updated 2020-07-09 8:37 pm]
[Updated 2020-07-08 12:03 pm Thx to @CraigRozniecki & @Fishgot2swim]
[Updated 2020-07-07 7:22 am]
[Updated 2020-07-05 8:19 pm Thx to @JMPeck69]
[Updated 2020-06-30 11:03 am]
[Updated 2020-06-25 10:42 pm 2x Thx to @donelson52]
[Updated 2020-06-25 10:35 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-24 10:59 pm Thx to @kls_62 & @ZenBuddhette]
[Updated 2020-06-24 6:28 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-21 10:05 am Thx again to @Boricua_En_Maui]
[Updated 2020-06-20 10:59 pm Thx to @Boricua_En_Maui]
[Updated 2020-06-12 10:42 pm Thx to @EllenMcNutt]
[Updated 2020-06-11 2:21 pm Thx to @DavidCornDC]
[Updated 2020-06-08 9:27 pm Thx to @JohnRMoffitt]
[Updated 2020-06-08 1:18 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-08 12:51 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-06 8:47 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-06 8:27 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-05 10:28 pm Thx to @oreminsteluspl1]
[Updated 2020-06-05 1:04 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-05 9:07 am]
[Updated 2020-06-04 8:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-06-04 11:52 am Thx to @liewbob]
[Updated 2020-06-04 10:33 am Thx to @badwebsites]
[Updated 2020-05-31 9:39 pm Thx to @Perrenod]
[Updated 2020-05-31 9:39 pm Thx to @BettyBowers]
[Updated 2020-05-29 9:02 pm Thx to @DearAuntCrabby]
[Updated 2020-05-27 8:22 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-24 1:16 pm Thx to @joncoopertweets]
[Updated 2020-05-24 10:47 am Thx to @Fishgot2Swim]
[Updated 2020-05-22 8:33 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-22 8:20 pm Thx to @HowardA_Esq via @Fishgot2Swim]
[Updated 2020-05-22 1:24 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-20 2:21 pm Thanks @ivyjofreeman]
[Updated 2020-05-19 8:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-19 8:29 pm Thanks @Fishgot2Swim & @JohnFugelsang]
[Updated 2020-05-19 10:38 am Thanks @Fishgot2Swim]
[Updated 2020-05-18 9:06 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-18 8:16 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-18 7:43 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-18 7:39 pm Thanks @scalzi]
[Updated 2020-05-17 8:24 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-17 12:12 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-15 1:07 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-13 9:53 pm]
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[Updated 2020-05-12 8:44 am]
[Updated 2020-05-11 9:31 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-11 9:25 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-11 11:20 am]
[Updated 2020-05-10 8:12 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-10 9:46 am]
[Updated 2020-05-07 9:45 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-07 2:52 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-07 12:46 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-06 8:47 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-06 9:30 am]
[Updated 2020-05-05 8:26 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-05 8:03 am]
{Updated 2020-05-04 9:07 pm]
[Updated 2020-05-03 8:23 pm Thx @@JBonniego for WhiteSupresident]
[Updated 2020-04-28 9:49 pm]
[Updated 2020-04-24 1:33 pm Thx @rmasher2 for covidiot]
[Updated 2020-04-24 10:33 am]
[Updated 2020-04-23 10:44 am]
[Updated 2020-04-22 10:55 am]
[Updated 2019-11-18 9:55 pm Thanks @JohnRMoffit! Done!]
[Updated 2019-11-06 1:54 pm]
[Updated 2019-10-09 1:33 pm]
[Updated 2019-09-27 6:14 pm]
[Updated 2019-09-14 7:30 pm]
[Updated 2019-07-02 1:18 pm]
[Updated 2019-06-10 11:42 pm]
[Updated 2019-06-10 10:07 pm]
[Updated 2019-06-10 11:35 am]
[Updated 2019-06-10 1:07 am]

Friday, June 07, 2019


I haven't done Music In since late November - 7 months. The winter was a bit sparse, so I have been looking to new - and old - sources for new music.
  • Darwin Deez, "Songs for Imaginative People", 2013, 10 tracks. I think I originally found Darwin Deez on the iPad app Aweditorium. 1 thing I have started doing to get more new music is, when someone comes up on shuffle play and I like it, I revisit that artist for later works - as this album is. His guitar has a really unique tone. One live video he's playing a Squire Strat, so it must be in the amp. 4 stars. Here's "Free (The Editorial Me)" - nice video, reminiscent of "Memento" or "Groundhog Day" with a much shorter loop.

  • Grizzly Bear, "Horn of Plenty", 2004, 14 tracks. This does it for Grizzly Bear - this is their 1st album. Ha ha, this is definitely a band that improved with age. This album is fairly unfocused, no memorable songs. 3 stars. But, "Horn of Plenty" === Cornucopia, 1 of my fav words. So here's a pic.

  • Danny Gatton and Buddy Emmons, "Redneck Jazz Explosion, Vol. II", 1978, 8 tracks. This is not quite as strong as Vol. I, but still, hard to find fault with the god of pedal steel guitar playing with a great guitarist. 4 stars. Here's "When Sunny Gets Blue".

  • Jorge Elbrecht: "Happiness EP", 2018, 6 tracks; "Here Lies", 2018, 14 tracks; "Coral Cross - 002", 2019, 10 tracks. This was a recommendation from my most excellent nephew, drummer Max Heinz, of Portland ME. I liked these more early than I did later. "Coral Cross - 002" particularly was much more noise than I like in my music - 2 stars. 3 stars for the other 2.
  • Wilco, "A.M.", 1995, 13 tracks. I continue my exploration of Wilco. This is there 1st album. I didn't think there was a particularly catchy song, a prereq for 4 stars - then this next came up. 4 stars, after months at 3!

  • Sour Cream Band, "Sour Cream", 2018, 10 tracks. 1 of the best albums I have heard performed by people <= 17 YO. Guitar is Harlan Cecil, son of Sherri McGee, "Chick Drummer with Balls". They did a 45 minute performance on WRFL Live and I heard 0 bad notes - impressive. I have loaned Harlan my 3 pickup Flying V as encouragement. Ha ha, his main guitar is a cherry SG, as was mine Back In The Day. A great guitar, I'm happy if he sticks with it. I recommend this album, but for my collection, it is 3 stars.
  • Mumford & Sons, "Delta", 2018, 14 tracks. As with Fleet Foxes, I think that "power folk" bands really have a problem finding a sweet spot and staying in it. This album was way rockish. 3 stars.
  • My Brightest Diamond, "A Million and One", 2018, 10 tracks. Maybe from Amazon weekly email? The vehicle of indie rocker Shara Nova out of NYC. Very high quality tunes. 4 stars. Here's "A Million Pearls".

  • Elvis Costello, "Look Now", 2018, 12 tracks. Elvis is one of those old dudes (64 YO, YOB 1954, age of my brother Mark) who keep cranking out great albums. Kudos! 4 stars. Here's "Burnt Sugar Is So Bitter", with poppy grooves that would make Todd Rundgren proud.

That does it for 2018. On to 2019.
  • Beirut, "Gallipoli", 2019, 12 tracks. This seems to be the most prolific of Lexington native Kelly Pratt's several bands. I think of the music as Balkan Pop. 4 stars. Here's "Corfu".

  • Broken Social Scene, "Let's Try The After (Vol. 1)", 2019, 5 tracks. The latest from the Toronto super-group. These are all strong tunes, 4 stars. Here's "1972".

  • Deerhunter, "Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?", 2019, 10 tracks. I get these guys confused with Deerhoof. This album has some decent tunes. 3 stars.
  • Mudbone, "Live At Dogtooth", 2018, 7 tracks. Mudbone is the house band for the Dogtooth Sports & Music Bar (formerly Vodka Bar formerly Weekend Willie's) Tuesday Night Blues Jam, 7:30-10:30. They usually play 60-90 minutes, then start asking people up. I've played at this jam every Tuesday I'm in Naples FL since maybe 2011-2012? Mudbone is a fabulous band: Bill E. Peterson on drums, playing a kick, snare, high hat and ride cymbal; Jerry Fiero on harp & vocals; Ricky Howard on guitar & vocals; Ray Nesbit on guitar & vocals, & David Carlton Johnson on bass & vocals. David also is excellent on keys & guitar & tours with Aaron Neville on bass, keys, & vocals. 4 stars. Here's an old recording of "Be Thankful For What You Got". Mario Infanti, who moved back to CT a couple of years ago & was replaced by Ray Nesbit, is on guitar & vocals. Mario played with Chuck Mangione.

    Note, I realized a couple of years ago I could steal material I like from people in Naples & perform it in Lexington and visa versa. I've been doing this arrangement at jams in Lexington with a full band & in the duo with Steve; people really respond to it, FTW!

  • Panda Bear, "Buoys", 2019, 9 tracks, I get this guy mixed up with Gold Panda. This guy is part of Animal Collective. This is some decent alternative rock. 3 stars.
  • Boston, eponymous, 1976, 8 tracks; "Don't Look Back", 1978, 8 tracks; "Third Stage", 1986, 10 tracks; and "Walk On", 1994, 10 tracks. As I described in "Back In The Day", in spring of 1970 I played in a band with Tom Scholz, who later founded Boston, wrote & arranged most of the material, and still records and tours as Boston. 4 stars for the 1st 3, 3 stars for the 4th album. Here's one of their many iconic songs, "More Than A Feeling". Tom is the guy with the sleeveless top playing the gold Les Paul.

  • Andrew Bird, ""My Finest Work Yet", 2019, 10 tracks. Bird is always reliable for providing very listenable music, but no standout catchy tunes in this effort. 3 stars.
  • Fake Laugh, "Honesty / Surrounded", 2019, 2 tracks. This came from the weekly newsletter email I have started receiving from Bandcamp. Both songs are excellent, shamelessly upbeat & poppy, 4 stars. Here's "Surrounded".

  • Chelsea Wilson, "Chasing Gold", 2019, 10 tracks. Modern Australian disco, what's not to like? This also came from the Bandcamp newsletter. 4 stars. Here's the title track.

That takes us through April Fool's Day. Current unrated smart playlist is 174 songs, oops. Probably need to process Music In again at the end of July.

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Back In The Day

I lived in Boston or Cambridge MA from Sep 1968 til July 1974. I graduated MIT June 4, 1972, 4 days before I turned 21, then worked at MIT until Apr 1974. I played in bands from early 1970 until Oct 1973.
  1. Band whose name I didn't remember:
    • Tom on keys & rhythm & lead guitar. He was the bandleader.
    • Me on lead guitar & harmony vocals & pedal steel/slide guitar.
    • Mickey(?) the lead singer.
    • Terry Borroz on bass (and vocals?).
    • John Broderick (J the D) on drums.
    I remembered this as a Led Zeppelin tribute band. I give the lead singer 3/10 channeling Robert Plant.

    I met Tom between classes at MIT. Early in the spring semester, 1970, long-haired hippy me was walking with another LHH talking about working up a Jimi Hendrix song. This tall, gangly guy with long dark hair & bangs invited himself into the conversation. He'd played keys his whole life and guitar a couple of years. He later asked me to join the band.

    I probably quit the band when I went home for the summer to work at Jeffboat for the 2nd year. That was my last time going home for the summer. So we played together from early 1970 til maybe late spring. We never gigged.

  2. Blue Eyed Boy Mister Death:
    • Delbert Lionel Hilgartner III ("Del") on Hammond B-3 with Lesley, blues harp, lead vocals, & bandleader. Del died 6/24/2015.
    • Me on lead guitar, harmony & lead vocals, & pedal steel.
    • Randolph Axel Nelson ("Randy" later "Axel") on rhythm & bass guitar, harmony vocals, & percussion.
    • Barry Levine on bass, sax, & harmony vocals. Barry just died, 6/14/2022.
    • John Broderick on drums.
    We were a dance band, did a lot of Santana, the Stones. We had a few originals, mostly written by Del. I think Randy wrote 1 also. We gigged at bars, ski resorts, frat houses, etc. We played most of my junior year, and disbanded when Del graduated June 1971 and moved to NYC to work in film at Cooper Union.

  3. Salamander - motto, "Walk Thru Fire":
    • Richard Griggs, (later Zvonar) on rhythm guitar & lead & harmony vocals. Salamander was Richard's band. Richard died 8/3/2005.
    • Me on lead guitar & harmony & lead vocals.
    • Robert Desautels ("Desi") on bass.
    • Barry Levine on sax & harmony vocals.
    • Terry McGeough on drums & harmony & lead vocals.
    • Gragg Lunsford, who joined a few months in, on keys & lead & harmony vocals.
    A good dance band, it started up right after the demise of BEBMD. Richard was friends with Del from the MIT Humanities Department, he knew Del was leaving & was waiting to snatch me & Barry up. We did some Richard originals, a lot of Kinks, Stones, Van Morrison, Allman Bros, Delaney & Bonnie. Gragg was much bluesier. We played pretty regularly. Our best gig was 2 weeks on Nantucket Island in the summer, playing at Preston's Airport Lounge. Great club, big stage & dance floor, pool tables in the wings, George of the Jungle pinball machine, air hockey. They put us up in a beach house, fed us at the club. Beach every afternoon, socialize in the evenings, play 9-2, sleep 5-noon.

I've been touch with Desi, John, Del, Barry, Richard, and Terry McGeough over the years. In late January, 2019, John Broderick sent an email to Barry and me. He had found ~4 hours of tracks by BEBMD: 12 including 5 originals from the basement; 2 sets at 1 club & 1 set at a different club. He included a Google Drive link.

BEBMD didn't suck! We weren't bad! I was really fast on lead guitar! I've listened to them a few times now, not bad. To quote John Broderick, "What a great selection of songs played with a lot energy."

He also included 17 tracks by the 1st band, which apparently was named Tesseract. Not just Zep either, there's a fair variety of stuff. The instrumentals are pretty good, the vocals, not so much. A couple of songs are painful - "Sea of Joy" for 1.

Here's the link to the google drive folder. There are 4 .xls files with the track listings, and 4 mp3 files of 1, 2, & 1 hour length. John pointed out you can separate the tracks with audacity, which is free software available here. It came with the USB turntable my kids got me 10-12 years ago. It is good software. It has a feature to automatically separate tracks. It didn't work well when I 1st started using it, but it may work better now.
But then at the end of the email Jon sez "How many people have Tom Scholz recordings from before his success with Boston?" ??? Tom Scholz? Iconic rock band Boston?

I look up the Boston wikipedia page, and the Tom Sholz wikipedia page. I look at pix of Tom - "Holy shit, I know that guy! I remember him well."

Tom wrote most of Boston's material, created their sound, created their 1st album in his home studio, and still tours and releases music as Boston. He also founded Scholz R&D which sold a ton of Rockman practice amps, + boards to create the Boston sound.

I bought the 1st 4 Boston albums, I recognized most of the songs on the 1st 3 albums. From 1975 until 1997, I spent very little time on music - pretty much just the car radio, so they must have gotten pretty good airplay. A definite part of the rock canon, and some complex songs with different sections, voices, etc.

Ha ha, so I find out 49 years later that I played in a band with a guy who went on to become a rich, famous, and accomplished rock star. No idea for 49 years. I guess this means that, again, I love living in the future!

I got Tom's email from the MIT alumni directory. I emailed him, and later fwded John's email to him. Never heard back, oh well. I have enjoyed the old bandmates with whom I have been able to reconnect, particularly Desi & his wife Brigitte. Brigitte is an accomplished artist.

I tried to reach out to Axel Nelson. Randy quit MIT after 2 years & moved to Point Reyes in Marin Co CA to be a carpenter with his hippy girlfriend Lesley. I think he's still out there, I found online what looked like a good phone & email. I called and emailed, no reply. I also googled Gragg Lunsford. I think this might be him.