Thursday, January 30, 2025

A Natural History of Empty Lots

"A Natural History of Empty Lots", by Christopher Brown, 2024, 318 pages, 86k words. Subtitled "Field Notes from Urban Edgelands, Back Alleys, and Other Wild Places". I think recommended by Cory Doctorow. Brown is a lawyer & sci-fi author - I have his 1st novel, but haven't tried it yet.

The book has 3 parts of 4 chapters each.

This is a great tale of the wild attempting to survive civilization. I really felt resonance with the overall message of the book - that wildlife finds a way to exist in the margins, where cities meet non-cities.

Brown bought a lot in an environmental sacrifice zone (it contained an old oil pipeline, abandoned cars, etc.) near the river in Austin TX, and then figured out how to put his family home there.

His accounts of wildlife encounters are of course fun to read. I loved when he talked about finding trails - trails are always there, & since I was a kid, I have always loved finding them. The word "numinous" kept springing to mind reading his descriptions of his explorations & run-ins with local wildlife. The definition of "numinous":

  • Of or relating to a numen; supernatural.
  • Filled with or characterized by a sense of a supernatural presence. "a numinous place."
  • Spiritually elevated; sublime.
OK, yeah, that, but the secular version ;->

The 2nd chapter "A Wilderness of Edges", in a section titled "Demeter and Dionysys", contained an interesting discussion of the trade-off between hunting-gathering and agriculture. It concluded referencing the 2017 work of Yale political scientist James C. Scott: "Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States".

To be a so-called barbarian, Scott argues with anarcho-libertarian flourish, was the only way to be truly free, living a life with no "labor" other than the natural activities of hunting, foraging, and making tools from the world arounc you. As a theory for freshly understanding the rest of human history, it's intuitively compelling. Especially when you couple this reconsideration of the bargain with Demeter with the deeper understanding Scott provides of the power we acquired through the gift from Prometheus. How our mastery of fire coupled with our relentless pursuit of surplus - in its elemental cereal form and all the actual and metaphoric forms we have been able to discover or imagine, from hordes of gold to storage lockers full of stuff and infinite digital vaults of virtual currency - has led us to the brink of an overheated climate that may bring our civilization to the point of collapse before this century is out.
In chapter 3, "Where the Wild Things Are", in a section titled "Portals and Psychopomps", we run into semiotics, and, of course - shudder - French philosophers.
Looking for new ways to understand the semiotic traps of the city, I sampled bits of theory like Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle, a manifesto about the way consumer marketing in the age of mass media insinuates itself into our heads so effectively, replacing our authentic experience of real life and social relations with transactional exchanges. That led to the discovery of Debord's earlier investigations of the way we experience the city.


[Kobo had "Society of the Spectacle" for $3.99, so I bought a copy. It's only 38k words.]

Also mentioned, a French philosophy from the 1950s and 1960s, Situationism.

The 2nd part of the book gets into the construction of his house. Chapter 7 is titled "How To Live In A Feral House". The section titled "Brujas and Devil Riders" touches on some of the philosophy which would up embodied in his 2-part house:

I've gone without air-conditioning in the worst summer heat and humidity, and survived without heat in severe winter conditions of cold and ice. Those experiences provide surprising windows into how else life could be, and how much our climate-control systems are the barrier between us and real life. The means whereby we maintain the illusory boundary between "inside" and "outside" that defines our lives.
I found particularly interesting the techniques Brown used to establish, as much as possible, native foliage over the top of his crazy berm house - pictured on the cover shown above, it has 2x 700 sq ft sections such that you have to go outside to travel between them.

At the end though, it looks like a wave of gentrification may sweep through and destroy the wild lands and wet lands he has helped (via lawyering) get established around his unconventional home. Not sure how to follow the progress.

Chapter 9 is titled "Blood in the Land". In a section titled "Maoists and Muralists", Brown tracks the evolution of graffiti around him. The graffiti is aware that gentrification is just more of the same old colonialist playbook:

Contemporary gentrification may be less violent than the first couple of centuries of colonization in the United States, operating as it does under due process of law; but when you dig deeper into what's really going on, the differences are not so easy to parse out.
Basically it's privileged, rich white people deciding they want what black-and-tan people have and taking it. Again.

As this is happening, in the last part of the book, you can feel him attempting to come to grips with the rapaciousness & the inevitability of the onslaught of capitalism. Quoting The Firesign Theater, "Civilization, ho!".

Here's the last paragraph of the book:

In a world governed by human reason, we experience an abundance of surplus and a poverty of meaning. We believe ourselves to have banished magic and superstition from the world. But the magic is still there, all around us. The trick is learning to see it, for what it is: the seemingly supernatural wonders produced by everyday interactions among different elements of the natural world. Things that can all be explained by science, but also understood by poets. Even in the most urbanized human terrains, those wonders can still be found - most often at the edges where the pavement ends and the wild is allowed to express.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Conventional Boy

"A Conventional Boy" by Charles Stross, 2024, 253 pages, 78k words, Book #13 of the Laundry Files. Wait a minute, here's a post that says it is Book #13. OK, checking his wikipedia page I figured it out. This is book #13 of The Laundry Files, there are an additional 3 books in the affiliated Tales of the New Management series.

Over the years decades of this series, Charlie has explored many different tropes within the universe of fantasy & fiction. When the last 1 was a regency romance bodice-ripper, I think I suggested, & not for the 1st time, that Charlie should put the Laundry Files behind him. Charlie is such a great writer. But, I know, $$$.

So this installment, we get a love letter from Charlie to D&D. It's pretty standard, there is some bleedover with other novels in the series becoming D&D sessions - again, a sign that it's time to put a fork in this turkey.

The 1st long story ends somethat abruptly. Then, we get 2 short pieces featuring ... BOB HOWARD, the original protagonist of the series. I guess there had been requests for that. The 1st short story features - Santa Clause, as the Filler of Stockings - again, I'm sorry, but, trite. The 2nd short story, I'm not sure to what it was an homage - but I figure it must have been to something, that's the way this series is going.

The last Laundry Files was just over a year ago. My post on that installment was like, Charlie, time to give it up, time to move on. I mentioned that I emailed Cory Doctorow, suggested an intervention.

Charlie in his blog said maybe that he's done? He was asking for suggestions for where to go next. I suggested he should talk to Doctorow. They collaborated on "Rapture of the Nerds" in 2012. Doctorow seems to always have a lot of irons in the fire ...

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Best Science Fiction of the Year Volume 5

"The Best Science Fiction of the Year Volume 5" edited by Neil Clarke, 2020, 812 pages, 251k words, 28 stories: 13 short stories (< 7500 words), 13 novelettes (< 17500 words), 2 novellas (< 40000 words).

This was a good collection. It started strong, maybe tapered off a bit.

The N.K. Jemisin story "Emergency Skin" was worth the price of admission. It was one of those short stories that smacks you upside the head. 1 thing I like about SFF: it does not have to be subtle if it doesn't feel like it! Plus what a great idea! Yes, please, billionaires, please go the stars! Leave the earth for us to repair! JUST GO! Of course, Mme. Guillotine would waste a lot less resources.

The 1st story "The Painter of Trees", by Suzanne Palmer, has a trope that we've seen recently: a society that values effiency above all else, homo economicus on steroids. Not a good look for humanity.

Who knew that knitting would make such a good plot element in an SF story? Thanks, Marie Vibbert, for "Knit Three, Save Four".

The Cixin Liu story, "Moonlight", I had read before. The story is a total tour-de-force time travel story, I enjoyed the reread.

The Tobias S. Bucknell story "By The Warmth of Their Calculus" is a gritty, lo-tech space story. As always, I love his rasta-flavored characters.

The Elizabeth Bear story "Deriving Life", about a sentient, symbiotic cancer, I had read before. Again, I enjoyed the reread.

The Gwyneth Jones story, "The Little Shepherdess", is a good story with an increasingly popular trope - the insatiable hunger of the human race to eat the world. That was just covered in a soon-to-be-blogged non-fiction book I just finished.

"One Thousand Beetles in a Jumpsuit", by Dominica Phetteplace, was a fun read. Very much felt like a story from a new generation of writers, yay!

The Alistair Reynolds story, "Permafrost", was yet another clever time-travel implementation. It's amazing how fruitful that trope is.

And now for something completely different! A dog story, by a dog trainer, "The Work of Wolves", by Tegan Moore. Nice!

The Anne Leckie story "The Justified" I had read before. Still not a big fan after the reread.

The Alec Nevala-Lee story "At The Fall" is interesting in that the world seems to end while a semi-sentient underwater data-gathering robot is just trying to get home with its data. Always amazing to me how easily we anthropomorphize things.

The Ray Nayler story "The Ocean Between The Leaves" seemed to be heading for an ultra-cynical ending, but it did wind up with a little romance in the end.

"The Empty Gun", by Yoon Ha Lee, was so much fun to read that I immediately ordered his 1st novel "Ninefox Gambit".

The Rich Larson story, "Painless", wasn't as kickass has his last few stories have been. A somewhat odd mix of tropes that does work in the end. I ordered his 1st novel, "Annex".

I had meant to start this post & kind of fill it in as I went through these stories, but wound up coming through afterwards, as usual. But, I did do 1 book/1 post, so that is progress.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Music In, 2024, Batch 4

I'm doing something different here, in the name of efficiency. I am starting this post December 23, still in this quarter, rather than towards the middle/end of the next quarter, which is when I usually create and post these album lists. I'll enter all the albums I've acquired so far; if I acquire any more before the end of the quarter (year), I'll add them as acquired. Then as I listen to these albums (they are playing now), if I spot the album's "catchy tune", I can capture it, rather than try to remember months later. Lots more Una Mae Carlisle, other good stuff, this quarter.
  • Una Mae Carlisle, "Beautiful", 1941, 8 tracks. Looking for Una Mae online, after finding the 5 live songs from last quarter on Amazon, I found this album of 8 tracks on Apple music. Surely there's more? More on that later.

    I am working up 4/5 on the other album, from this one I will add 4 more: "i met you then, i know you now". "if i had you", "love walked in", and "you made me love you". "hangover blues" was on the 5 track album. "blitzkrieg baby" is a cute song, but I don't think I'll do it. 4 stars.

  • Vampire Weekend, "Only God Was Above Us", 10 tracks, 2023, BandCamp. The 1st track starts out maybe a little dolorous, I was concerned, but the album very quickly got back to peppy, upbeat songs & beats. These guys are really producing a consistent body of work. 4 stars. Here's "prep-school gangsters".

  • Delta Sleep, "Blue Garden", 12 tracks, 2024, BandCamp. British, currently based in Brighton. The 2nd of their albums I've purchased. Like the other, these are great songs, but just a little to high-energy & punky for me at my advanced age. 3 stars.

  • Nubian Twist, "Find Your Flame (Deluxe Edition)", 2024, 17 tracks, BandCamp. Many guest artists, which may help this band be as productive as it is. Power horn R&B band from Manchester, UK. Great tracks. 4 stars. Here's "lights out", with Niles Rodgers.

  • Andrew Bird, "Cunningham Bird", 2024, 10 tracks, BandCamp. Bird & Cunningham recreate the landmark "Buckingham Nicks" album of 1973. That album was a flop, and has never been reissued, so it is hard to lay your hands on. Bird & Cunningham have fun with these tunes. 4 stars. I thought my fav would be "crystal", which is in my book, but I wound up liking "crying in the night" best.

  • Bon Iver, "Sable", 2024, 4 tracks, BandCamp. Apparently their 1st in a while? OK tunes, 4 stars. Here's "things behind things behind things", with some nice pedal steel.

  • Una Mae Carlisle, "In Chronology - 1938-1941", 21 tracks; "In Chronology - 1941-1944", 24 tracks; "In Chronology - 1944-1950", 25 tracks. Well, here's the rest of Una Mae's recordings. 70 tracks total, in chronological order no less, 4 stars for all! The 1st disk contains all the songs on the other 2 albums I already had. These CDs were like $19.95 each, so less than $1/track, but more than you would expect to pay for a compilation like this. Somebody was smart $$$-wise withholding the rights to these songs. This series looks like it could be a good resource.
    I think the best material of the 12 years covered here is the earliest. As time passes the arrangements get more big band sounding, which I like less. Here's another early song which she wrote and which I think was her biggest hit. Per Wikipedia, this song made her "the first black woman to have a composition appear on a Billboard chart". Recorded 1940-11-13, "walkin' by the river". Ella and others have covered this song.

    I will work this one up, and I suspect several more: "you're gonna change your mind", "it ain't like that", "i like it 'cause i love it", "throw it out your mind", "forgive me for getting forgetful" - I have a total of 16 Una Mae songs in my list, including 1 recorded & 1 in process.

  • William Tyler, "Future Myths", 2024, 10 tracks, BandCamp. Guitar rock that is in the sweet spot: lots of reverb, harmonics, hammers, pulls, very ethereal - somehow I'm thinking John Fahey, who I'm not sure I remember??? Hmmm, I gave his 7 track album 3 stars, this is similar quality, so I guess 3 stars again.

  • soccer mommy, "Evergreen", 2024, 11 tracks, BandCamp. These are very nice tunes, very chill, very easy to listen to, but I could not find the catchy 1 to provide a video, so 3 stars.

  • Redeyes, "Redeyes Soul Edits Volume 3", 2024, 4 tracks, BandCamp. French (Toulouse) techno, apparently around since 2006. Only 4 tracks, nothing really jumped out, unlike their last effort. So, 3 stars.

  • Wes Montgomery, "Boss Guitar", 1963, 10 tracks. My good friend Canadian harpist (and former virtuoso guitarist) Owen Evans recommended this album to me after I mentioned I had never found much Wes Montgomery I particularly liked. Sadly, that still seems the to be the case, sorry Owen. Very abstract stuff, with some catchy melodies, but just way too jazzy - I seem to be finding out that I am really not that big a fan of jazz. Listening to it, I'm kind of like "OK, I could play that." with an occasional "Wow, that was a fast lick.". Just not song-like enough for me. I'm about songs. 3 stars.

  • Darwin Deez, "of course i still love you", 2024, 20 tracks, BandCamp. I don't know if I've seen this before: the album has 10 songs, recorded 1st with vocals, and then as instrumentals. I like the instrumentals more than I expected to. Nice pop tunes, his distinctive guitar sound is still there, 4 stars. Here's "sophie softly":

I think getting this done early will give me more time to listen to new 2025 stuff. But, lately, I'm still more interested in Music Out, i.e., Jaz Dumoz, than I am in Music In. Still, 3 new albums so far this year. The process is still ongoing.