Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Letter to the Editor

I will post a comment if they print this. I've had pretty good luck lately.

How can our Senator Mitch McConnell not repudiate the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump? Trump is completely and utterly lacking in the temperament, experience, knowledge, attention span, and intelligence required to be the leader of the most powerful country in the history of the world.

My theory: McConnell and Paul Ryan think that if Trump is elected, they can use him as a rubber stamp for legislation, appointments, and executive orders. But have they not seen that Trump is uncontrollable? His revolving door of campaign management teams have all only succeeded in keeping him on message for a few days before he is compelled to insult someone. The narcissist Trump has become addicted to the attention he generates for himself by creating outrage, uproar, and discord. What happens when the insults are directed at foreign leaders, as they have been and you know they increasingly would be?

Donald Trump with his finger on the nuclear button is far more terrifying than any Islamic or Christian terrorists could ever be. I call on all our elected officials to put their love of our great country before their political party and their individual will to power, and to repudiate this unstable and dangerous demagogue.

1 comment:

Chris Heinz said...

This letter was published with minimal edits in the Friday, October 7, 2016 Lexington Herald-Leader.